Help! - How can I access care services at home?

Help! - How can I access care services at home?
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Which agency should I pick?

Which agency should I pick?

This can be very daunting for anybody who is now recognising the need that they need more help and support to remain independent in their home, or that they need to help a member of their family who needs care services.

Among the first questions is inevitably – how much is it going to cost me to get that help I need at home? Actually, whilst an important factor of course, this not the best place to start the selection process of a domiciliary care agency!

The first step is to ensure that the agency you choose provides the highest standards of care quality and reliability. Make sure that you do some research first as to who the best providers are in your area. Some of the surest indicators can be your local GP surgery who can provide help on this or do some research on the web using one of the best independent guides such as Homecare. This guide is nationally recognised as providing properly vetted reviews of care providers in your area. It is important to emphasise the need to pick a company that has been in business for some considerable time and who has built up a strong brand reputation.

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We’re Here to Help Across Berkshire & Surrey

Get in touch with us today to find out how our carers can help you
Simply fill out the form below, or call us on 0118 332 0099

How much will it cost?

Once you have selected one or more agencies to contact, beware just going for the cheapest provider of care by the hour as the reason that they are often the cheapest usually means that the standards of care provided will inevitably be lower as well.

At Gabriel’s Angels we strongly recommend discussing care costs is best done face to face having met us first, and us then professionally assessing what the care needs are in the actual home environment. The reason for this is that when we do that assessment and providing a proper proposed care plan for the individual concerned the cost can sometimes be lower than originally anticipated.

With the wealth of background care industry knowledge that we have built up since 2012 we can also provide you with clear guidance and advice on all the aspects of care costs and how we can advise you access the care and medical support that you need.

We then will provide full guidance as to how to pay for the care that you want and need.

How much will it cost?

Getting the Right Care Plan in Place

There is no such thing as a typical care plan. Every prospective client we meet in our initial consultation is treated as an individual with their own needs and wants which we incorporate into their own specific and detailed care plan. This takes into account your personal, medical & health needs, your daily routine and lifestyle preferences that you either want to maintain or may aspire to. Once we have the care plan prepared and then reviewed by you, we can then select the best fit of our carers to you personally. Once you have the met the carer(s) it is also important that you approve and are fully comfortable with them.

We will agree the number and type of visits to be provided and agree a start date with you. As part of this process, we will check that you understand and consent to the service being provided and a contract will need to be signed with us, either at the Care Assessment or shortly afterwards.

How quickly can I get care in place?

We like to get the initial assessment of your care needs conducted face to face as quickly as possible – often this can even be accommodated in the same day, but you are always fully in control of that. Once the care plan and the contract are agreed and signed, we will put the care plan into operation you – typically this can be within 48 hours or even less in some cases if care is urgently needed.

Ongoing Review of Care Provided

It is vitally important to us that you build a strong and comfortable relationship with your carer. You will have access at all times to the carer’s manager or indeed access to other Gabriel’s Angels management personnel on a fully confidential basis so you can be rest assured that should any issues that you would wish to raise with us can be effectively and swiftly addressed.

There will be regular reviews of your care needs over time as these may change of course, and reviews of Gabriel’s Angels standards of care performance as well.